"ODF'22, Sapporo"
Aug 3-5, 2022
Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan
Best Paper Award
Advance Program
Technical Digest
Final Call for PapersAvailable for download until September 30th.
ID and password has been sent by e-mail.
Advance Program
What's New
- August 3, 2022
- Technical Digest is available.
Paper Submission for ODF'22 SPECIAL ISSUE OF OPTICAL REVIEW is available. - July 7, 2022
- Map for exploring ODF'22 is available.
- June 29, 2022
- Now, Advance Program is available.
- June 8, 2022
- Online programs available on CLEO-PR 2022, ISOM‘22, and ODF’22 website.
- May 20, 2022
- Visa page is available in CLEO-PR 2022, ISOM'22, and ODF'22 website
- Feb.10, 2022
- Participants from overseas who have difficulty in coming to Japan due to a travel ban can participate online.
- Feb.10, 2022
- The submission deadline has been extended to March 4th.
- Oct.7, 2021
- Now, ODF'22 Website is available.
Organized by
Optics Design Group of The Optical Society of Japan
In cooperation with
- ICO (International Commission for Optics)
- DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics)
- European Optical Society
- OSK (Optical Society of Korea)
- The Astronomical Society of Japan
- The Color Science Association of Japan
- IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers)
- IEIJ (The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan)
- IIEEJ (The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan)
- ITE (The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers)
- JIEP (The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging)
- JOEM (Japan Optomechatronics Association)
- JOMA (Japan Optical Measuring Instruments Manufacturer's Association)
- JPC (Japan Photonics Council)
- JPS (The Physical Society of Japan)
- JSPE (The Japan Society for Precision Engineering)
- LSJ (The Laser Society of Japan)
- Society for Information Display Japan Chapter
- SPIJ (The Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan)
- SPSJ(The Spectroscopical Society of Japan)
- The Takano Eiichi Optical Science Funds